ASB is extremely pleased to recognize those who have been members for 50 years. The ASB Board of Directors extends its sincere and heartfelt thanks to these members for their devotion to the baking industry and long participation in and support of ASB. ASB is strong because of their contributions and involvement in its programs and activities. We thank them for these efforts and for their continued support of the Society.

Complete List of 50 Year Members

Eldon H. Addy2007
Edward A. Alesch2001
Joseph Amendola2000
Duncan D. Anderson2003
Robert C. Anderson2009
Daniel Angel2006
James G. Apple2011
Ernest Balta2012
Willis F. Bellar2014
Richard E. Berg2011
Ralph Besand2017
Eric E. Bond1998
Julius G. Braunreuther2007
Robert C. Brink2009
Russell T. Bundy2009
Robert F. Cain1996
Edward J. Campbell2010
William J. Campion2014
Armand P. Cicciu2004
Charles B. Clark2008
Franz Cleven2007
Christo Cocaine2008
John J. Cream2014
Silvio Crespo2009
Vernon J. Debo2008
Donald K. Dubois2008
Fred Eber2010
Jerry A. Emming2019
Victor Ewen2001
James D. Freund2013
Gerald R. Dietz2014
Dominick Dinoto2011
James R. Fay2004
Edgar T. Fields2010
Felice Fornaca2002
Horst Franke2017
Juan Garcia2010
John W. Glover1999
Irwin L. Gold2013
James W. Grebe2012
Frank Haile, Jr.2005
Oliver W. Hardin2005
Bruno R. Hebert2008
Louis Herrig2002
William S. Hodges2009
William W. Hodgson2009
Leonard A. Hoffman2005
Harold Jaffe2012
Martin I. Jarmel2012
Sigvald M. Johnson2001
Stanley F. Kislus2018
John F. Konecny2015
Robert E. Langan2008
William E. Lanham2014
Oran J. Laymon2001
Dale S. LcCrone2002
Hans Leisi2010
Thomas W. Leo2009
William Lewicki2007
Demetreos A. Limberakis2007
Phil A. Livingston2011
John L. London2003
William G. Lucks2006
John C. MacAlpine2011
Irwin J. Mathason2008
Charles W.H. Matthaei2002
R. Gordon McGovern2010
Edward Meise2010
Herbert G. Milgate2008
Dan Miller2012
Donald V. Moline2008
Vitor J. Moreira2007
Donald S. Noot2011
Carl F. Obenauf2004
William B. Oehme2009
A. G. Oszlanyi2017
John W. Packham2007
Salvatore F. Pasciuto2006
John Paterkis2008
Kenneth W. Peck2013
Conrad W. Petersen2003
Frank J. Przybek2011
A. Charles Roland III2013
Charles S. Rowe2007
Saul Rubinoff2006
Richard Schlipf2012
Thomas F. Shaughnessy2009
John "Denny" Shogren2013
John D. Shoptaugh2003
Donald E. Snyder2010
Anthony J. Spinello2000
John D. Stanford2019
Victor J. Strama, CMB2016
Charles W. Steward2013
Edward A. Stigler2014
Arthur B. Swanson2007
Lawrence Tomsky1999
John A. Vanderliet2012
John VanLaar2012
William Van Wagner2017
James M. Walker2007
Arthur F. Wall2010
F.H. Watkins2006
John S. Whinery1991
Stanley Winton2010
Sam M. Wylde2001
Joseph A. Zang2007
John Del Campo2025
Richard Matthews2024
Bill Strong2023