Finalists will be announced on November 22, 2024. All team leaders will receive an email informing them of their competition status.
Responsibilities of finalists include the preparation of the following, with details below:
- Final written proposal
- 1-minute promotional video that will serve as the introduction to your BakingTECH presentation
- 10 minute team presentation on stage to include presentation slides
- Display of their entry for a poster session at BakingTECH 2025
- Samples of their product for the three (3) judges and Executive Director to taste
Finalist Evaluation
Finalists will be scored on a basis of 300 points, distributed as follows:
Final Written Proposal 75 points
Promotional Video 25 points
Live Presentation 75 points
Poster Display 25 points
Product Sample 100 points
Final Written Proposal
The maximum number of pages for the final written proposal is ten (10). This number INCLUDES proposal body text, process flow diagram, references and appendices. It does NOT include the one (1) title page and the one (1) photograph page.
The report must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point Garamond font with 1” margins on white paper. Must be submitted electronically as a PDF.
The title page, for which there is no specific required format, must include the title of the proposal and date. A list of donors, and other contributors that assisted the team should be listed ONLY on the title page.
Insert a color photograph of the product on a single sheet of the report. This page does not count as part of the 10 pages. Additional images throughout the report are optional and will count as part of the 10-page report.
References should be added at the end of the proposal. The teams’ anonymity is no longer required.
Product Description 15 points
Originality 10 points
Process Description 20 points
Safety/Shelf Life 10 points
Profitability 10 points
Marketing 10 points
Final Written Proposal Evaluation: 75 points total
Areas that may be covered in the final proposal are listed below. These are only suggestions. You may include other areas. Remember, thoroughness is important, but originality is highly encouraged! Be sure to cover all areas according to the allotted written proposal points above.
Product description
Product description/use
Product formulation and ingredient functionality
Market potential
Competitive framework
Sensory/ Consumer tests
Shelf-life estimation
Price/cost evaluation
Package selection and basis for selection
Nutrition Label
Process description
Process description and basis for selection
How product would be scaled for industrial production
Process flow diagram
Process limits
Operating cost
Capital investment estimate
Patent status (apply, infringe, license)
Food safety
Food Safety evaluation with respect to formulations, functionality, and processing
Legal implications of the product (ingredient labeling)
Hazard Analysis – Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Good Manufacturing Processes (GMPs)
Home use – safety hazard?
State Regulations
Federal Regulations
FDA, USDA, OSHA, EPA, etc. regulations
Promotional Video
Finalists will develop a one (1) minute promotional video that will be posted on the ASB website and social media pages. The video will also be used as an introduction to the on-stage presentation at BakingTECH 2025 conference and should be an exciting, engaging and informative video that captures the essence and uniqueness of your product.
- Clearly present the product, showcasing its main features and functionality.
- Highlight what makes your product unique or better than existing solutions.
- Ensure your video has good visual and audio quality for a professional presentation.
- Keep the video concise and within the 1-minute limit.
This is not enough time to go over everything included in the written summary, so use the video as a way to succinctly sell your product’s key attributes. It will be judged on quality, communication, visual appeal, intrigue, and overall quality of presentation skills.
Video Presentation Evaluation: 25 points
Live Presentation
- Finalists will give a 10-minute presentation during the ASB Annual Conference BakingTech 2025. The conference is being held at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld, Florida from February 15 – 18, 2025. The presentation will be given during the conference on the main stage.
- Presentation by a maximum of two (2) student team members.
- A PowerPoint presentation is required utilizing a template provided by the Committee.
- Obviously this is not enough time to go over everything included in the written summary, so use the oral presentation as a way to succinctly sell your product’s key attributes. It will be judged on quality, organization, communication, interest generated, and overall presentation skills.
Oral Presentation Evaluation: 75 points
Poster Displays
Finalists will also present their product development ideas in a poster session at BakingTECH. The content rules for the written report also apply to the poster display.
An 8 ft. wide by 4ft. high (32 sq. ft. display area) poster board will be available for you to display your product information. The panels can be divided up however a team chooses as long as it fits the allotted poster space (4′ high × 8′ wide).
Judges will visit posters in a random order. Judges may ask questions to any or all of the team members present during this time period.
Note: Product development teams are not allowed to provide food samples to the general public at the poster session, or at any time during the Annual Meeting. Teams are encouraged to have display samples for viewing. Table-top for display purposes only.
The poster display will be graded on the effectiveness of product presentation, organization and quality of information, inclusion of process description, and ability of the poster and team to sell the product idea to fellow bakers.
Poster Display Evaluation: 25 points
Product Sampling
Each team will send each judge (3 judges total) one sample of their product shipped by Friday January 24, 2025. The names and addresses of the judges will be provided mid-December.
Product Sample Evaluation: 100 Points
Q&A with Judges
Each team will have an online Q&A session with the judges in January. The exact time will be communicated in mid-December. Each member of the team is required to participate. Each team will be allocated 15 minutes.
This is a compulsory, but not scored, part of the final to allow judges to introduce themselves and ask clarifying questions based on the product and processes.
BakingTECH 2025 Schedule
BakingTECH 2025 is February 15 – 18 2025 at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld. Travel and meal expenses will be paid for the Finalists.
- Teams will receive a schedule of PDC meetings and events to attend during BakingTECH.
- Teams are encouraged to attend as many General and Technical Sessions as their schedule permits.