June 11 – 14, 2024
Washington, DC
Bakers Fly-In and Policy Summit
The American Bakers Association (ABA), in partnership with the Retail Bakers of America and the American Society of Baking, is proud to host this policy summit and fly-in. Bringing together bakers of all sizes and specialties from across the country, this event promises to be a pivotal moment for our industry.
The Bakers Fly-In and Policy Summit, in collaboration with the Food Safety (FTRAC) Conference and NextGenBaker Leadership Forum, is a remarkable opportunity for commercial and retail bakers, as well as industry suppliers, to come together and advocate for shared concerns with policymakers in our nation’s capital.
Even if you’re not directly involved in baking at your company but work in production, HR, supply chain, logistics, energy/environment/sustainability, worker safety, etc., we encourage you to attend. Many challenges our industry faces also impact suppliers, making your presence crucial. Together, we can amplify our collective voice and drive meaningful change. Best of all, attendance is free to attend the Fly-In!
Reignite and develop relationships with a community of baking industry executives, policy experts, and peers from the ABA, RBA, and ASB.
Participate in meetings with regulatory officials, panels of business association experts, and keynote addresses from policymakers to learn about the central issues affecting the baking industry, and how your voice can make an impact.
With guidance and assistance from ABA’s advocacy experts share our industry’s unique perspective and challenges in small group meetings with key lawmakers on Capitol Hill and help educate them and their staff on our policy priorities.