
Kristy Taddonio Mullins

Kristy is the President and Fourth Generation owner of the Mile Hi Companies based in Denver, Colorado. The Companies include Mile Hi Foods, a consolidated food distribution company servicing over 450 McDonald’s restaurants and Mile Hi Bakery which is a high-speed LEAD gold certified bakery of buns and English muffins for McDonalds, Chic -Fil -A, In N Out and other similar, restaurant groups.

Utilizing her experience as a 4th Generation owner, Kristy began working with other family businesses to help guide them through the many unique challenges that multi-generational businesses face. Kristy’s focus is to inspire leaders in their organizations to fully understand the part they play within the family unit and business while deciphering the value each family member brings to the organization. Kristy also has a passion for fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and supporting a DE&I culture. She has expertise in generational transitions, succession planning, strategic growth, M&A and navigating family dynamics.

The Mile Hi Companies continue to be ranked among the Top Ten Family-Owned Businesses in Colorado by ColoradoBiz Magazine. She holds a BA in Business from the University of Denver and received her executive coaching certification through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI).


Young Professionals Educational Session – Women in Baking Panel
Tuesday, March 1
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


Valerie Wayland

Valerie Wayland has more than 34 years of experience in the food industry, with 28 years in the baking industry.  Valerie’s background includes technical and regulatory positions with Marriott Corporation, Kraft Foods, Mrs. Smith’s Bakeries, and currently as the Director of Technical Services & Regulatory Compliance for Flower Foods.  In addition to her responsibilities at Flowers, Valerie is an active member of the American Society of Baking, the Institute of Food Technologists, the Society of Bakery Women, and the Georgia Association for Food Protection.  Valerie also serves as co-chair for the American Bakers Association Food Technical & Regulatory Affairs Professionals group (FTRAC).  Valerie loves to travel and explore and has been married to her husband George for 29 years.




Young Professionals Educational Session – Women in Baking Panel
Tuesday, March 1
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


Charlotte Atchley

Charlotte Atchley is the editor of “Baking & Snack.”  She has spent 11 years covering all aspects of the baking industry including formulating, operations, bakery expansions and trends.  Ms. Atchley also launched and hosts the magazine’s first podcast, “Since Sliced Bread,” which features in-depth conversations with leaders in the industry. She served as a session chair for ASB’s BakingTECH 2015 annual conference.   Ms. Atchley has a bachelor’s degree in communication form Southwest Baptist University as well as a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri.






Young Professionals Educational Session – Women in Baking Panel
Tuesday, March 1
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Trends in Baking Automation Panel Discussion
Thursday, March 3
9:15 am – 10:15 am


Nathan Mirdamadi

As a Senior Food Safety Specialist, Nathan brings over 20 years of food manufacturing leadership in both manufacturing plants and corporate positions.  Currently in his role as the global bakery and snack lead for CFS he works to ensure internal alignment within their bakery focused specialists and externally with bakery suppliers to support their continuous improvement.

Immediately prior to joining Commercial Food Sanitation, Nathan had the corporate responsibility for the sanitation and allergen programs at Heinz North America. In that role he worked to lead corporate programs on sanitation challenges, alignment, and training, with a focus on unique and challenging cleaning and allergen validations including gluten free and supplier partnerships.

Over the course of his career, Nathan has had the benefit of working across a wide range of products and technologies at Heinz North America, Kraft Foods and Ralcorp.

Nathan is bilingual in English and Spanish and holds a Masters degree in Food Safety from Michigan State University, a MBA from California State University and a Bachelors degree in Economics/Finance from Missouri Southern State University.


Successful Expansion with Hygienic Design and Cross Functional Teams
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
1:15 pm – 1:50 pm


Dr. Morgaine Gaye, Food Futurologist

Dr Morgaine Gaye is a Food Futurologist and director of bellwether: Food Trends, the first food trend research compendium. She has her own health-food product range of functional food blends called Dr Gaye, which are sold globally on-line. 

Morgaine looks at food and eating from a social, cultural, economic, trend, branding and geo-political perspective. Her work involves running ideation sessions, consulting to food companies, developing new products and ideas; writing articles/ trend reports for PR and ad agencies; giving public , university and corporate lectures on specific food trends, developing new ideas for food-related TV and radio programmes and doing research on all elements of the eating experience from mouth-feel to olfactory perception. She consults to leading blue chip food companies and manufacturers, delivering bespoke trend briefings and NPD ideation. 

Morgaine is a frequent media contributor in print, radio and TV. A number of her academic research papers have been published. She is a guest university lecturer in UK and Sweden and is on the reviewing panel for the International Food Design Conference and yearly academic journal. As part of the EU Commission, Morgaine was the chair at the Brussels Parliament for 2015. As part of TED X 2016, Morgaine’s talk was ‘It Doesn’t Make Any Scents’. She is currently writing a book ‘A Taste of Things to Come’ about food trends and why they matter. 

Closing Keynote Presentation
Thursday, March 3, 2022
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm


Sophia Leung

Sophia Leung is a Food Science Lab Manager of a baking applications laboratory at Enzyme Innovation, a division of Specialty Enzymes & Probiotics. She has worked in product development of baked products, biotechnology research, and patent examination in food packaging and processes. Sophia has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Rice University and M.S. in Food Science from University of Illinois.






The Future of Probiotics in Baked Goods
Thursday, March 3, 2022
1:15 pm – 1:50 pm


Andrew McIlwrick

Andrew McIlwrick is a lifelong baker with experience in every aspect of the baking process from milling to product development, dough conditioners and process improvements.  Andrew has spent the last 14 years at Baker Perkins applying his vast knowledge of dough structure to his position as Chief Process Engineer, as well as overseeing the Bakery test lab in our UK Innovation Center.  Having worked in bakeries all around the world, Andrew has a multifaceted view of the baking process, and is uniquely positioned to be able to highlight the interconnectivity between a bakery’s processes and end products as a direct function of the energy put into the dough.





Dough Development as a Function of Energy
Thursday, March 3, 2022
11:25 am – 12:00 pm


Dr. Hikmet Boyacioglu

Dr. M. Hikmet Boyacioglu is Applications Development Specialist at Chopin Technologies/KPM Analytics in Milford, MA, USA.   He also holds an Adjunct Professor position in the Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University.  Boyacioglu received his Ph.D. degree in Cereal Science (minor in Food & Nutrition) from North Dakota State University.  He is former university professor, cereal industry R&D coordinator and international freelance consultant.  Dr. Boyacioglu is currently Associate Editor of Cereal Chemistry journal published by AACC International and Editor-in-Chief of Cereal Technology journal.

He has been professional member of Cereals & Grains Association (formerly American Association of Cereal Chemists, AACC International); International Association of Operative Millers, IAOM; Institute of Food Technologies, IFT; American Society of Baking, former National Delegate and Technical Committee Member in “AIBI – International Association of Plant Bakers AISBL”.



Measuring Dough Characteristics during Fermentation/Proofing
Thursday, March 3, 2022
1:15 pm – 1:50 pm


Alan Beaulieu, Economist

Alan has been providing workshops and economic analysis seminars for thousands of business owners and executives in various countries for the last 30 years.  He is one of the country’s most sought-after economists.

As the chief economist for numerous US and international trade associations, it has been remarked that Alan’s “insight into our business, a track record of accurate forecasting, and unparalleled knowledge of global markets has earned him the respect and appreciation of key business leaders in our industry.”

Alan and ITR Economics™ have shared their insights through various media outlets, including: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, Knight Ridder News Services, Business Week, the Associated Press, The Washington Times, CBS Radio, CNN Radio, Sirius talk radio, and numerous other outlets.



Keynote Address
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
8:45 am – 9:45 am