1. Who is a Prospective Member?
- Professionals across all job responsibilities who are employed in wholesale bakeries.
- Individuals employed by allied companies (ingredients, equipment, services, etc.).
- International clients and vendors wishing to increase their presence in the North American market.
- Students studying bakery science, food technology, and engineering with the objective of entering the wholesale baking industry.
Contact prospective members with an invitation email or letter. Be sure to include the e-magazine, membership flyer and application. Sometimes just asking a colleague is all it takes!
- Speaking opportunities offering recognition as an industry expert.
- 24/7 networking with industry leaders through a virtual member directory.
- Year-round professional educational opportunities.
- Receive registration discounts to ASB’s annual meeting, BakingTECH.
- Scholarship opportunities for employees and students.
The strongest recruitment tool is your own experience as a member. Show your enthusiasm and pride in ASB with first hand accounts:
- Why did you decide to join and why do you continue to be a member?
- How has ASB membership enhanced your career?
- What benefits are of most value to you?
- Encourage prospective members to visit asbe.org where they can easily join online.
- Email or mail prospective members a membership application (PDF).
- Encourage them to contact ASB’s Director, Member Relations, Amanda Gonzalez, at agonzalez@asbe.org or 1.800.713.0462, ext. 3, for personal assistance.
Be sure to encourage the prospective member to list you in the “referred by” section so you may receive recognition.
Following up is just as important as the initial contact. Give them a call or send an e-mail to see if they have joined or have any questions. Also be sure to contact ASB’s Director, Member Relations, Amanda Gonzalez, for help.