The ASB Board of Directors Chair serves as the highest-ranking volunteer leader of the organization. Annually the Nominating Committee, comprised of a select group of current board members and members at-large, propose a slate to the full membership for election of new directors and officers at the Annual Meeting of Members. The Board Chair during his/her leadership year provides leadership to the board enabling it to function as the highest decision-making body in the organization. The Chair also provides direction and guidance to the management team in support of the work performed on behalf of the membership. The Executive Director, or chief staff officer, provides the necessary leadership to the organization based on the direction provided by the Board.

Over the past 100-plus years of ASB’s history, individuals have devoted countless hours to the leadership of the organization, none more so than the Board Chair. ASB is fortunate that past board chairs often stay very engaged in the organization after their term of service has concluded, some even offering to serve as mentors to the next generation of leaders and by leading important committees or strategic task forces. The members and other volunteers extend gratitude to the Past Board Chairs, and their families and employers, who have come before them for their commitment and leadership to the commercial baking industry.

For more information about the specific Role of the Chair or other members of the board, please visit ASB’s Bylaws in the Member Resource section of the website or member portal.

Complete List of Board Chairs

1924Richard Wahl
1925C. J. Patterson
1926E. B. Price
1927E. B. Price
1928George W. Tassie
1929Gordon H. Darnell
1930Louis E. Caster
1931Ross E. Anderson
1932Robert L. Gerdes
1933Carl S. Pickering
1934Edward M. Joy
1935F.B. Evers, Sr.
1936W. J. Ocken
1937John Roberts
1938Roger Brandenburg
1939William Hauck
1940Walter T. Molloy
1941Cecil C. Cadwell
1942Wm. F. Gossadge
1943Williard H. Geller
1944Albert J. Faulhaber
1945Albert J. Faulhaber
1946Guy T. Shiverdecker
1947Jake M. Albright
1948Otto Richter
1949Harold T. Moody
1950Don F. Copell
1951Earl B. Cox
1952Fred Weberpals
1953M.J. Swortfiguer
1954Wallace K. Swanson
1955Martin Eisenstaedt
1956Arthur G. Hackett
1957Harold M. Freund
1958Andreas F. Reising
1959H. Alvin Meyer
1960Clayton C. Daley
1961Robert Nicolait
1962Robert G. Dibble
1963John A. Wagner
1964Walter T. Gase
1965Irwin O. Rohrbach
1966George H. Gugler
1967Lawrence E. Pile
1968William C. Kollman
1969Wm. H. Ziemke
1970Carl C. Hauswald, Jr.
1971Robert C. Brink
1972Louis J. Richter
1973Paul W. Kamman
1974Charles B. Clark
1975Eugene D. Swenson
1976Donald S. Noot
1977John L. DeKeizer
1978Byron R. Baird
1979Frank H. Otway
1980R. Richard Schlipf
1981Ernest T. Stevens
1982Francis M. Covey
1983Frederick J. Bower
1984Frank R. Goley
1985Benjain A. Delorio
1986Norman F. Hirt
1987Frank J. Martin
1988John P. Del Campo
1989Richard T. Richter
1990John J. Rader
1991Thomas A. Shannon
1992Thomas E. Lewis
1993M.D. 'Dave' Wood
1994Ronald C. Dunkelberger
1995Neil A. Bailey
1996Dennis L. LaBree
1997John C. Phillips
1998Thomas C. Boge
1999James M. Davis
2000Michael Stevens
2001Larry Marcucci
2002Gary Hoerner
2003William Zimmerman
2004Jeff Duus
2005Gary Brodsky
2006Theresa Cogswell
2007George Poulos
2008Robert Benton
2009John Khoury
2010Rowdy Brixey
2011Jeff Dearduff
2012Mike Elenz
2013David Hipenbecker
2014Anthony Turano
2015Ramon Rivera
2016Mario Somoza
2017Bill Zimmerman, Jr.
2018Paul Rainey
2019John Mulloy, Jr
2020Jorge Zarate
2021Rod Radalia
2022Brittny Ohr
2023Eric Lewis
2024Xochitl Cruz

*Board Chairs before 1982 were considered Board Presidents