The ASB Board of Directors Chair serves as the highest-ranking volunteer leader of the organization. Annually the Nominating Committee, comprised of a select group of current board members and members at-large, propose a slate to the full membership for election of new directors and officers at the Annual Meeting of Members. The Board Chair during his/her leadership year provides leadership to the board enabling it to function as the highest decision-making body in the organization. The Chair also provides direction and guidance to the management team in support of the work performed on behalf of the membership. The Executive Director, or chief staff officer, provides the necessary leadership to the organization based on the direction provided by the Board.
Over the past 100-plus years of ASB’s history, individuals have devoted countless hours to the leadership of the organization, none more so than the Board Chair. ASB is fortunate that past board chairs often stay very engaged in the organization after their term of service has concluded, some even offering to serve as mentors to the next generation of leaders and by leading important committees or strategic task forces. The members and other volunteers extend gratitude to the Past Board Chairs, and their families and employers, who have come before them for their commitment and leadership to the commercial baking industry.
For more information about the specific Role of the Chair or other members of the board, please visit ASB’s Bylaws in the Member Resource section of the website or member portal.