General Information

The American Society of Baking (ASB) is excited to announce the launch of a new Poster Session at our upcoming annual conference, BakingTECH 2025 in Orlando, Florida. We invite students and faculty to submit abstracts showcasing their innovative research related to the baking industry.  

We are particularly interested in studies that advance our understanding of baking science, techniques, ingredients, equipment, and processes. Whether your research explores new methods for improving product quality, investigates the nutritional aspects of baked goods, or delves into the latest technological advancements in baking equipment, we encourage you to share your findings with our community.  

Attending BakingTECH offers invaluable opportunities for networking, learning, and career growth. By presenting your research poster, you’ll gain visibility, receive feedback from industry leaders, and engage in meaningful discussions that could shape the future of your work. It’s a chance to enhance your professional development, stay updated on the latest trends in the baking industry, and build connections with peers and potential employers. Don’t miss your chance to make a mark and grow within the community of baking professionals!  

Join us in fostering a collaborative environment where cutting-edge research meets practical application, driving the future of baking forward. 

Applications open october 3rd. Closing date november 24th. Acceptance notification december 20th. Draft poster to ASB on January 24th. Presentations at BakingTECH from february 17 to 18, 2025.

Check the FAQ tab at the top of this page for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to participate in the Poster Session?  

Both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as university faculty, are eligible to submit their research for the Poster Session. We welcome research related to any aspect of the baking industry, including baking science, techniques, ingredients, equipment, and processes. 


What topics should the research cover? 

Research must be related to the baking industry. Topics can include, but are not limited to, baking science, ingredient innovation, production techniques, food safety, equipment advancements, sustainability, or consumer trends. 


How many authors can submit a poster?

There is no maximum amount of authors you can list on your application form or poster. There must be at least 1 representative in-person presenting the poster at BakingTECH 2025 in Orlando, Florida on February 16-18, 2025.


How do I submit my abstract? 

Follow the guidelines regarding format, length (300–500 words), and deadline, which are outlined on the submission page.  

You can submit your abstract through our online form submission here: 


What is the deadline for abstract submissions? 

The deadline for submitting abstracts is November 24th, 2024. Late submissions may not be considered, so please make sure to submit on time! 


Can I submit more than one abstract? 

Yes, multiple submissions are allowed as long as each abstract covers a distinct research topic. However, each abstract will be reviewed individually, and acceptance is not guaranteed for all submissions. 


How are the submissions evaluated? 

All submissions will be reviewed by a committee of industry experts. The abstracts will be evaluated based on their relevance to the baking industry, originality, clarity, and overall quality. Applicants will be notified by December 20th, 2024, via email regarding the acceptance of their posters. 


What should I include in my poster? 

Your poster should present your research clearly and concisely, including an introduction, methods, key findings, and conclusions. Visual elements such as charts, graphs, and images are encouraged to help convey your message. 


When are the poster sessions? 

The poster sessions run through the course of the Formulation Floor: 

10:15 AM – 12:15 PM Monday February 17th, 2025 

8:00 AM – 10:30 AM Tuesday February 18th, 2025. 


Do I need to be present at the event to participate? 

Yes, at least 1 representative of each poster is required to present your poster in person at BakingTECH. This is an opportunity to engage with attendees, answer questions, and receive feedback on your work. 

The poster session will be held within the Formulation Floor (formerly MarketPlace). A dynamic and collaborative environment where professionals come together to share ideas and forge connections.

During the poster session, conference attendees can wander around the posters to browse the posters and talk with you about your work. 


What is BakingTECH?

BakingTECH is ASB’s annual conference offering technical solutions, educational insights, and networking experiences. Over 1,000 baking professionals participate in a number of educational sessions where knowledge and information is shared. Find out more about the full conference experience here: 


What will be my role at BakingTECH? 

There will be time for you to set up your poster on your allocated board. Push pins will be provided. Someone from your group is expected to stay by your poster for the duration of the Formulation Floor session so that attendees can come and listen to you talk about your work and ask questions.  

When the Poster Sessions are not in progress, you may attend the rest of the conference activities. See the full schedule here:  


If I’m selected, what are my next steps? 

First, congratulations! You’ll need to create a physical poster and be ready to present it at the conference. The poster boards can accommodate posters 8 ft. wide by 4ft. high (32 sq. ft. display area). You may also want to prepare a brief oral summary to explain your research to attendees.  

There may also be the opportunity to feature your poster digitally as a PDF in the conference app and on our website. More details to come in December…


How do I register for BakingTECH as a student? 

The annual student rate is $150. You must be a student member of ASB to get the student rate to attend BakingTECH. Student membership is $25/year.  

Buy tickets here: 

Become a member here:  


How do I register for BakingTECH as a faculty member?  

Faculty get free membership to ASB. Each school is allocated 1 free faculty ticket to BakingTECH, additional faculty get a discounted rate. Faculty members with a valid .edu or .org email address should contact for more information on how to sign up and register. 


What are the benefits of presenting my research at BakingTECH? 

Networking: Engage directly with baking industry professionals, peers, and potential collaborators in an informal setting. 

Feedback: Receive valuable insights and suggestions from experts and attendees, helping you refine and improve your research. 

Visibility: Showcase your work to a broader audience, increasing recognition within the baking industry and academia. 

Communication Skills: Develop your ability to explain complex ideas clearly and concisely, improving your overall presentation skills. 

Professional Development: Enhance your resume by demonstrating leadership, research capabilities, and active participation in industry events. 

Opportunities: Create connections that could lead to future job prospects, research collaborations, or mentorship.  


Who do I contact if I have additional questions? 

For any additional questions or concerns, please contact Sarah Day, ASB’s Director of Education at We’re here to help throughout the submission process!