Stephen Bastasch
Entrepreneurs are usually born from tinkering or teaching. In the case of Stephen Bastasch, it was definitely the former. his interest in engineering and business eventually led to the University of Notre Dame, where be began to realize his passions geared toward the practical rather than the theoretical.
after college, he tinkered some more. Jobs in finance. An exploration into online publishing. A winding path that eventually brought him from New York City back to the family business of manufacturing packaging equipment for bakeries. After his dad suffered a stroke, the factory moved to Los Angeles. And Stephen was out of a job and short on luck. So he started to build a company.
Beginning with a 10×14 office in 2013, selling spare parts to bakers, he attracted skilled draftspersons, engineers, and service people. That company, Lenexa Manufacturing Company (LMC), quickly established a foothold in the commercial bakery industry thanks to outstanding customer service and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Today, LMC is a multi-million dollar business – and growing every day. The service and attention to detail are always going to be second-to-none, and the tinkering will never stop. If there’s a good idea, they’ll make it happen. And if you’re one of their competitors, well, they’re never going to stop trying to make your life a little harder.
Stephen is a guest lecturer and mentor for the Regnier Institute for Entrepreneurship & innovation at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Young Professionals Educational Session: Tinker, Tailor, Bolder, Try How To Take Your Shot and Make it in the Baking Industry
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
2:00pm – 3:00pm