ASB Coffee Breaks offer members the opportunity to develop new business relationships in an intimate, stress-free setting. Held via GoToMeeting on select Thursdays from 9:00-9:45 a.m. CST, each coffee break is limited to 10 participants to allow for maximum contribution to the discussion. During the 45-minute sessions, the chat function is enabled for side conversations as well. Afterward, ASB encourages people to engage in follow-up conversations.

What are members saying about the ASB Coffee Break:
“Thank you ASB for setting up the Virtual Coffee Break series. It is a good to way to reconnect with some of my friends from the industry in a more informal setting. I find the weekly coffee breaks to be very enjoyable.”
– Josh Hughes, Burford Corp.
“It has been great connecting with my peers through the Coffee Break Sessions and I want to thank ASB for the insightfulness during these unprecedented times. I have attended several and each has been informative and a great investment of time.”
– Scott Houtz, Air Management Technologies, Inc.
“We are all experiencing a rapidly changing business environment. Kudos to ASB for providing a venue to share experiences as fellow suppliers while getting firsthand input from a customer.”
– Trevor Walker, Bundy Baking Solutions.

ASB’s Table of 10 mentoring series offers young professional and student members the opportunity to enjoy virtual meetings with the wholesale baking industry’s top leaders and business professionals. This 3-part event held Via GoToMeeting provides younger members exclusive access to industry leadership in an informal setting that promotes open conversation.
To learn more about the program, upcoming tables, and past hosts, please visit our Table of 10 webpage.
ASB’s Table of 10 is free for active members and open to non-members for $135.
What are members saying about the ASB Table of 10:
“The sessions were a great informal way of discussing industry topics with industry peers. Our host did a great job starting and steering the conversation but allowed the discussions to grow organically. We had participation from students to tenured professionals which allowed for great perspective on some of the challenges we are facing as an industry. Our industry challenges are not going away and it was a great opportunity to continue to discuss them while most in the industry are focused elsewhere. I would recommend Table of Ten for anyone who is finding it hard to make industry connections due to the separation and isolation caused by the pandemic. Lastly, it was a fun and engaging break in a busy workday schedule, I left the conversations refreshed and curious.”
– John Hinds
Participant, Jorge Zarate’s Table of 10
“The Table of Ten program gave me the unique opportunity to have discussions with someone at the top of their field in the baking industry. What a great opportunity for someone looking to expand their network and learn about the industry from the best!”
– Rachel Klataske
Participant, Jeremiah Tilghman’s Table of 10
“Thank you for setting up the Table of 10 with Larry and the rest of the group. I think this was a very good idea and enjoyed all 3 of our meetings. After seeing the success of this event it has definitely made me look forward to more virtual ASB events in the future. I really do appreciate ASB looking for ways to keep us all connected in these challenging times.”
– Joshua Posz
Participant, Larry Marcucci’s Table of 10

Are you looking for new ways to expand your professional circle? Grab your favorite drink, log-on and join ASB members for an hour of good conversation and prizes. Held via GoToMeeting on select Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. CST, ASB Trivia Hour brings our community together for casual, fun-filled networking.

American Society of Baking is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all ASB related events, including BakingTECH, MarketPlace, webinars and virtual networking/educational events, to participants as well as ASB staff. ASB expects all participants to help ensure a safe and positive experience for everyone. Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated during any portion of a meeting or event.
All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, exhibitors, support staff, speakers, presenters, facilitators, panelists, ASB staff members, board members past and present, service providers, and all others are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct.
This Policy applies to all aspects of any of ASB events, BakingTECH and MarketPlace including all virtual events and sessions including those sponsored by organizations other than ASB, on public or private platforms.
ASB has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin or other protected class. If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, ASB asks that you report it via e-mail to so that we can take the appropriate action.
The following behaviors are expected and requested of all ASB event participants, including
- Exercise consideration and respect your speech and actions.
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behavior and speech.
- Be mindful of your fellow participants. Alert ASB staff if you noticed violations of this Code of Conduct, even if they seem inconsequential.
Unacceptable Behavior is further defined as:
- Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech or actions of any kind.
- Verbal abuse of any supplier, attendee, or other participant or ASB staff member.
- Examples of verbal abuse include, but are not limited to, verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin, regarding competitors or other suppliers products, inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or in presentations, or threatening or stalking any attendee, supplier, speaker, presenter, facilitator, panelists, ASB staff member, service provider, or other event participants.
- Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability or other personal characteristics, including those protected by law.
- Unwelcome attention or deliberate stalking or intimidation of any participant.
- Real or implied threat of physical, professional or financial damage or harm.
- Inappropriate or sustained disruption of product demonstrations, educational or networking sessions, chat sessions, or other events organized by ASB throughout the event. All participants must comply with the instructions of the moderator and any ASB staff.
- Photographing, video or audio recording of slides, oral or poster presentations; or taking screenshots of chat sessions without presenter/author’s permission.
- Violating the rules and regulations of any of our online platforms, including but not limited to GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, Eventfinity and Zoom.
- Failing to follow or obey any laws or rules of the venue.
- Failure to stop unacceptable behavior when requested by a fellow participant or ASB staff member.
- If virtual event, sharing your virtual show login credentials with other individuals.
- Derogatory posts against a competitor or within their virtual exhibit booths.
- Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behavior
ASB is relying on the professionalism and ethics of its attendees and their desire to maintain a positive reputation among their peers and in the commercial baking industry generally, to help ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct.
Nevertheless, ASB reserves the right to take action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from any event, virtual or face-to-face, without warning or refund, in response to unacceptable behavior that is disruptive to BakingTECH, MarketPlace, or other ASB related virtual events, and ASB reserves the right to prohibit either the non-compliant individual or company from exhibiting or attending any future meeting or tradeshow, virtually or in person. Inappropriate action could also result in future restrictions on attendance of ASB events, or possible termination of ASB membership or positions on boards/committees.
We expect all ASB event participants (attendees and speakers, paid or otherwise; sponsors and exhibitors; and other guests) to abide by this Code of Conduct in all event venues—online and in-person—as well as in all one-on-one communications pertaining to ASB event business. This code of conduct and its related procedures also applies to unacceptable behavior occurring outside the scope of conference/event activities when such behavior has the potential to adversely affect the safety and well-being of community members.

We’ve compiled the following social media guide so that you can help spread the word.
1. Tag American Society of Baking
We want to see what you’re posting! The best way to make sure our social media team sees your post is to tag us directly.
Please tag ASB’s social handles in your messages:
ASB’s Twitter: @AmSocBaking
ASB’s Facebook: @AmSocBaking
ASB’s LinkedIN PAGE: @American Society Of Baking
ASB’s YouTube:
Please add one or more of these hashtags to your messages:
The quickest and easiest way to help share the news is to share or retweet one of our posts by visiting ASB’s social platforms.
We are posting new info often…share any or all!
3. Create Your Own Social Media Post
Wonder what to say? Here are some ideas on how you can spread our message to your contacts. Just copy and paste these messages below:
Baking leaders! Join ASB for a virtual coffee break every Thursday. #NetworkingIsFun @AmSocBaking
Baking leaders! Join ASB for a virtual coffee break every Thursday. Get details to register at #NetworkingIsFun