Trendspotting with AI

AI that automatically reads and processes millions of consumer-generated social media posts, extracting food items and cataloguing food-related combinations. Using an algorithm vetted by industry food scientists and IBM’s data scientists, this AI tool calculates and predicts the ingredients, flavours, foods and products most likely to match consumer’s evolving tastes. These insights are used in tandem with other industry-leading primary research capabilities to make targeted and on-trend recommendations.

Learning Objectives

  1. How to incorporate Real-time and predictive consumer insights for the food industry on developing trends including emerging flavors and ingredient combinations and products with breakout potential
  2. Understand the clear advantage of consumer-led, data driven innovation and how to apply said insights in a crowded industry
  3. Learn how Artificial intelligence for the food and beverage industry is able to, with industry experts, identify historical food breakout trend patterns.

Session Information
360 Panel: Today’s Consumer
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
1:30pm – 2:15pm

Sarah Miller, Kerry