Keynote Address: Future of Food

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Dr. Morgaine Gaye is a Food Futurologist, who forecasts trends and enables companies to develop what we will all be eating in the coming years.

Morgaine’s keynote talks cover food trends in a humorous, authentic and visually engaging way. By combining this with the use of recognizable real-world examples, Morgaine makes her complicated research into bite-sized takeaways from which her audience can benefit.

Dr. Morgaine Gaye works with all well-known global food brands from Mondalez, Diagio and Coke to Nestle, Mars and Unilever and she manages product development and ideation sessions with their global teams and innovation chefs.

The ideas Morgaine looks at, with the teams, are up to 10 years in advance and they involve mouth feel perception, packaging and consumer drivers.

Although Morgaine primarily work for food brands, she also consults to many technology brands who have an involvement in high end tech such as Panasonic, Siemens, Samsung, DeLonghi, Braun, BMW and Airbus.

Dr. Morgaine Gaye, Food Futurologist