ASB Training & Certifications

Visit our Education Hub to see the full list of courses and resources available to support your professional development here:

BAKERpedia BakerCertified Bread Courses
A collection of 10 courses covering topics from the fundamentals of flour, yeast, and water; fats and emulsifiers; salt, sugar, and dough conditioners; to packaging, quality, and shelf life; this course has everything you will need to know to become Baker Certified in all things bread!

  • Certification offered by: ASB & BAKERpedia. 
  • Click here for more information.

BEAG Certified Internal Equipment Evaluator Training Course
Become qualified to ensure your bakery equipment meets rigorous ANSI hygienic design and sanitation standards with this new online course. Apply the ANSI Z50.2 standard to design requirements for bakery equipment and certify your equipment through the BEAG Recognition of Conformity, minimizing risk to customers and protecting consumers.

  • Certification offered by: Bakery Equipment Assessment Group
  • Click here for more information.

Industry Certifications

Certified Baker
A Certified Baker prepares and produces baked goods while assisting with general commercial bakery operations. He/she has considerable responsibility and autonomy and participates in a broad range of both complex and routine work activies, including supervision of other staff and allocation of resources. He/she must demonstrate a basic knowledge of bakery sanitation, management, retail sales/merchandising and staff training.

  • Certification offered by: Retail Bakers Association. 
  • Click here for more information.

Certified Decorator
A decorator at this level and for this designation prepares and finishes sweet baked goods for a commercial bakery. Duties include preparing icings, decorating a variety of cakes using various techniques, seasonal displays and specialty designs, and working with customers. He/she demonstrates a basic knowledge about sanitation.

  • Certification offered by: Retail Bakers Association. 
  • Click here for more information.

Certified Journey Baker
A baker at this level assists in the preparation and production of pies, cookies, cakes, breads, rolls, desserts or other baked goods for a commercial bakery. Duties may include stocking ingredients, preparing and cleaning equipment; measuring ingredients, mixing, scaling, forming, proofing, oven tending, and product finishing. He/she must demonstrate a basic knowledge about the principles of sanitation.

  • Certification offered by: Retail Bakers Association. 
  • Click here for more information.

Certified Master Baker
A baker at this level and for this designation participates in a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities, performed in a wide variety of contexts with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of others and allocation of resources is present. He/she must have the technical and administrative skills necessary to operate and manage the production area of a full-line independent or in-store commercial bakery. He/she must produce high quality bakery foods, and demonstrate a basic knowledge about the principles of sanitation, management, retail sales/merchandising and training.

  • Certification offered by: Retail Bakers Association. 
  • Click here for more information.

Certified Master Pastry Chef
A pastry chef who possesses the highest degree of professional knowledge, skill and mastery of cooking techniques as they apply to baking and pastry.

  • Certification offered by: American Culinary Federation. 
  • Click here for more information.

Certified Pastry Culinarian
An entry level culinarian within a pastry foodservice operation responsible for the preparation and production of pies, cookies, cakes, breads, rolls, desserts or other baked goods.

  • Certification offered by: American Culinary Federation. 
  • Click here for more information.

Certified Working Pastry Chef
A pastry chef who supervises a pastry section or a shift within a foodservice operation and has considerable responsibility for preparation and production of all pastry items.

  • Certification offered by: American Culinary Federation. 
  • Click here for more information.