
Gary Brodsky

Gary Brodsky started his Baking Career with Brownberry Oven, (Peavy Mills), in 1975 as Plant Manager of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. There he had the opportunity to meet and work with Kathrine Clark the founder of Brownberry. She educated Gary in what it means to make natural wheat bread the old way and variety breads that made Brownberry a leader of the times. Prior to that he worked for Banquet Food as Project Manager in multiple plants.

In 1980 Gary accepted a position with Oroweat Foods/ Arnold Bakers in the Florida Plant. The Arnold Baking Company, became a part of CPC Baking Group, and Best Food Baking Company. Gary was instrumental in expanding the Florida Operation with the addition of a Thomas English Muffin operation.  Mr. Brodsky was the founding President of the Florida Bakers Production Club which was created for the growth of the Florida Baking Industry.

In 1995 Gary accept the position of Director of Operations for East Balt. Bakeries. In 1998 after building and starting up East Balt’s Japan and South Korea Plant, Gary was promoted to Vice President of Operations. As Senior Vice President of Operations, he was Instrumental in the Expansion of East Balt’s. overseas operations in China, Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, Italy, and Turkey. Mr. Brodsky’s, has the ability to build teams to make a facility successful, especially in international markets. That’s what makes him a Leader, Teacher and Mentor to those who work with him. He transformed the industry’s relationship with the fast-food sector by altering the way bakeries around the world supply restaurants.

Mr. Brodsky also served as chairman of A.S.B. in 2005 to 2006 with his theme “The Heritage of Baking” and the creation of the Baking Hall of Fame. Gary was Baking and Snack Operation Executive of the Year in 2007 and received the Robert A. Fisher Award in 2009. Mr. Brodsky currently works as a consultant for McDonald’s APMEA Region (Asian Pacific Middle East and Africa). Supporting plants in India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Indonesia, and building a facility in Jordan.

Session Information
Engineering Ask-the-Expert Lunch & Learn Session 3: Packaging & Warehousing
Thursday, February 18, 2021
12:00 pm – 12:35 pm CT


Jim Kline

Jim Kline is the founder of The EnSol Group, LLC, a firm providing process engineering, project management, and consulting services to baking, snack, and allied industries. He has over 30 years of engineering and manufacturing experience including senior management positions at Bestfoods, George Weston Bakeries, and Frito-Lay.

He has led seminars and educational programs on leadership and project management in business and educational forums. He has written more than 60 columns and featured articles for Bakery & Snack Magazine, and was a contributing editor for the 4th Edition of “Baking Science and Technology.” Jim is a 35-year member of ASB, a member of BEMA, and the co-founder of BIF (the Baking Industry Forum). Jim has a BA in Applied Mathematics and Physics, a Certificate in International Management from Cambridge University, and an MBA in Operations Management from Rutgers University.




Session Information
Engineering Ask-the-Expert Lunch & Learn Session 3: Packaging & Warehousing
Thursday, February 18, 2021
12:00 pm – 12:35 pm CT


Claire McMonagle

Claire McMonagle is a junior studying Food Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is in the Food Science club on campus and this is her first year competing in a product development competition. When she is not in class or studying, she likes to bake for her roommates and spend time with friends and family.






Banana Halos


Jordan Ishizu

Jordan Ishizu is a junior in the food science program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is also pursuing a certificate in fermentation. He is a career changer who has a background in Michelin starred dining. During his free time, he likes to play volleyball, spend time with his dog, or read up on classic cocktails.






Banana Halos


Mallorie Arndt

Mallorie Arndt is a third-year undergraduate student at UW Madison studying Food Science. Mallorie has had a passion for all thing’s food and science from a young age, so she couldn’t wait to try her hand at product development. She is excited to be working with her talented PD team this year for the ASB Product Development Competition.






Banana Halos


Neve Blanz

Neve Blanz is a Junior studying Food Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has grown up baking with her parents, grandparents, and sister which has led her down the path of pursuing a career in the bakery industry. Throughout college, Neve has participated in numerous award-winning product development competitions focusing on baked goods and dairy products. She has also had the opportunity to work as a food safety and quality assurance intern and is excited to work on the research and development side this upcoming summer.





Banana Halos


Steven Cak

Steven is currently a senior at the University of Minnesota, where he is majoring in Food Science with a minor in Nutrition. When he is not busy with schoolwork, he enjoys spending his free time cooking with his wife and gardening. Upon graduation, his goal is to pair his past chef experience with his new degree, and work in product development creating flavorful options to suit people’s dietary needs.








Sonali Raghunath

Sonali Raghunath is a 2nd year PhD student at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, USA, working on the application of pulsed electric field as a treatment for dairy proteins. She has a Master’s degree in Food Science from the University of Minnesota (2019) and a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology (2017) from Anna University, India. She has also worked as a researcher during her Bachelor’s at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT), India. She concentrates on food chemistry, food engineering, food proteins, food packaging, and dairy chemistry. She has been presenting her work in many national as well as international conferences like ICEF, IFT, CoFE, and ADSA. She has also been the recipient of various outstanding achievement awards and scholarship recipients from multiple organizations, including IFT feeding Tomorrow Graduate Scholarship for her research and product development competitions due to her passion towards finding solutions for real world challenges.





Radhika Bharathi

Radhika is a third year Ph.D. student in Food Science, in the Carbohydrate Processing and Cereal Chemistry Lab advised by Dr. George Annor, at the University of Minnesota. She is an international student from India.

Her research is focused on optimizing targeted processing strategies to improve the functionality and end-use characteristics of Kernza flour, the first-ever perennial grain to be commercialized for food use. She is actively involved in product development competitions and has held leadership and volunteer positions with different national organizations. Radhika is very passionate about building sustainable food systems and enjoys applied food science research. Post-grad school, she wishes to work in the area of Food Product Development






Brigitta Yaputri

Brigitta Yaputri is a food science master’s student at the Plant Protein Innovation Center (PPIC) at the University of Minnesota. She graduated in Spring 2020 with bachelor’s degree in both Food Science and Nutrition. She is an international student from Indonesia, one of the global inspirations for ReToast. Driven by her three core values – sustainability, health, and innovation – her ultimate goal is to have a role in R&D to develop sustainable food products through creative innovations.




