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The Future of Bread & Meeting the Dietary Demands of Today’s Consumer

Mintel reports (September 2021): 64% of U.S. adults were eating less bread than a year ago to cut down on carbs, and nearly one in five bread shoppers say they look for low or reduced-carb options.Today’s consumer is demanding all food brands to meet their dietary needs, whether that be high protein, low or reduced sugar, clean label (organic and non-GMO), vegan/vegetarian, no preservatives, etc. The consumer is more informed than ever before and seeks out healthier products to fit their lifestyle. Unfortunately, of all food categories, bread has taken the biggest hit as evidence by the statistic above (64% of adults avoid eating bread).However, fortunately, we have all the ingredients we need to produce breads that meet the consumer’s needs.Now, it’s just a matter of bakers learning about these ingredients and how to use them to craft recipes

Learning Objectives

  1. Lean about new, innovative ingredients
  2. Current diet trends and future trends amongst Millennials and Gen Z
  3. How to use these new ingredients to make bread products that are delicious, but also meet the dietary needs of today’s consumer

Session Information
360 Panel: Today’s Consumer
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
1:30pm – 2:15pm

Jerrod Adkins, UnbelievaBread, LLC

BakingTech 2023 RESILIENCE -Small2

Trendspotting with AI

AI that automatically reads and processes millions of consumer-generated social media posts, extracting food items and cataloguing food-related combinations. Using an algorithm vetted by industry food scientists and IBM’s data scientists, this AI tool calculates and predicts the ingredients, flavours, foods and products most likely to match consumer’s evolving tastes. These insights are used in tandem with other industry-leading primary research capabilities to make targeted and on-trend recommendations.

Learning Objectives

  1. How to incorporate Real-time and predictive consumer insights for the food industry on developing trends including emerging flavors and ingredient combinations and products with breakout potential
  2. Understand the clear advantage of consumer-led, data driven innovation and how to apply said insights in a crowded industry
  3. Learn how Artificial intelligence for the food and beverage industry is able to, with industry experts, identify historical food breakout trend patterns.

Session Information
360 Panel: Today’s Consumer
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
1:30pm – 2:15pm

Sarah Miller, Kerry

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Digital Transformation for the Bakery of Today

Over the past thirty years, automation has been adopted across the plant floor–From ingredient handling and processing to packaging but we keep hearing theses buzzwords everyday… IIOT, Digital Transformation, OEE, data analytics and scalability.What do these terms mean and how does it benefit me, The Baker.

Common questions that we hear about digital transformation are:

  • How does it make my employee more efficient and how can they use the data to meet their goals?
  • How do I seamlessly connect the various machines and lines to my enterprise system?
  • How do I make data collection automated from legacy to new machines?
  • How do I select a pilot project and then how do I amplify these projects across the plant and/or various plants?

After this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the terms digital transformation and define what they mean to them.
  • Define the goals of digital transformation for operations.
  • Define the critical success factors of digital transformation.
  • Know the benefits of agnostic communication protocols and edge devices.
  • Know how to identify a pilot project.
  • Know how to implement scalable pilot projects.
  • Amplify successful pilot projects plant and corporate wide

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the terms digital transformation and define what they mean to them.
  2. Define the critical success factors of digital transformation.
  3. Know how to identify and implement a scalable pilot projec

Session Information
360 Panel: Bakery of Tomorrow – Adapting to New Technologies
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
1:30pm – 2:15pm

Daniel Millar, Emerson Canada

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Keeping Baked Goods Relevant to Evolving Consumer Trends

It is paramount that bakers stay innovative in order to stay relevant to today’s consumers. The future is all about gaining insight to the trends influencing consumer shopping behaviors and turning that insight into quick-turn-around innovations. Bakers are looking for ideas and ingredient solutions to get creative and be the go-to-product for every snack and meal, have it be at home, in transit, at the desk or eating out. Many are taking the “something for everyone in the household approach” to innovation, which includes adding options such as gluten-free, low-carb and high-protein to the product mix.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explore the use of new ingredients in the marketplace that will entice their target consumer.
  2. Identify new approaches to marketing their products in order to grow customer base.
  3. Brainstorm on how to stay ahead of the trends for future growth.

Session Information
360 Panel: Today’s Consumer
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
1:30pm – 2:15pm

Donna Berry, Dairy & Food Communications, Inc.