Digital Transformation for the Bakery of Today

Over the past thirty years, automation has been adopted across the plant floor–From ingredient handling and processing to packaging but we keep hearing theses buzzwords everyday… IIOT, Digital Transformation, OEE, data analytics and scalability.What do these terms mean and how does it benefit me, The Baker.

Common questions that we hear about digital transformation are:

  • How does it make my employee more efficient and how can they use the data to meet their goals?
  • How do I seamlessly connect the various machines and lines to my enterprise system?
  • How do I make data collection automated from legacy to new machines?
  • How do I select a pilot project and then how do I amplify these projects across the plant and/or various plants?

After this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the terms digital transformation and define what they mean to them.
  • Define the goals of digital transformation for operations.
  • Define the critical success factors of digital transformation.
  • Know the benefits of agnostic communication protocols and edge devices.
  • Know how to identify a pilot project.
  • Know how to implement scalable pilot projects.
  • Amplify successful pilot projects plant and corporate wide

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the terms digital transformation and define what they mean to them.
  2. Define the critical success factors of digital transformation.
  3. Know how to identify and implement a scalable pilot projec

Session Information
360 Panel: Bakery of Tomorrow – Adapting to New Technologies
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
1:30pm – 2:15pm

Daniel Millar, Emerson Canada