The rules and regulations stated here constitute a bona fide part of the contract for exhibit space. ASB reserves the right to render interpretations and decisions, should questions arise, and to establish further regulations as may be deemed necessary to the general success and well-being of the event. ASB’s decisions and interpretations shall be accepted as final in all cases. It is the responsibility of the exhibiting company to be fully familiar with these Exhibit Rules and Regulations and to see that all company representatives attending the event are also familiar with them.

Rules & Regulations
Terms & Conditions
By signing the ASB MarketPlace 2024 Exhibitor Application for Exhibit Space (Application), the undersigned agrees to abide by all rules (Terms), requirements, restrictions, and regulations as set forth in the MarketPlace. Registration Information and Rules and Regulations enclosed herewith and any regulations especially designated by the ASB or the Hilton Chicago. Failure to abide by such rules and regulations may result in forfeiture of all monies paid or due the ASB under the terms of this agreement. No exhibitor may assign or sublet the whole or any part of the space allotted, nor exhibit therein any goods other than those manufactured or handled by the exhibitor in the regular course of business.
All matters and questions not covered by these regulations are at the discretion of ASB management (Management). Management may amend these regulations at any time, and all amendments that may be made shall be equally binding, upon publication on all parties affected by them as the original regulations.
Violation of any of these regulations on the part of the exhibitor, its employees, or agents shall annul the right to occupy the space and such exhibitor will forfeit to Management all monies, which have been paid. Upon evidence of violation, Management may re-enter and take possession of the space occupied by the exhibitor and may remove all persons and goods at the exhibitor’s risk. The exhibitor shall pay all expenses, or damages, which Management may incur.
Cancellation of Exposition/MarketPlace
It is mutually agreed that in the event of cancellation of ASB’s BakingTECH due to fire, strikes, government regulations, or causes, which would prevent its scheduled opening or continuance, then and there upon this agreement will be terminated and the ASB shall determine an equitable basis for the refund of such portion of the table top fees as is possible, after due consideration of expenditures and commitments already made.
Conduct of Exhibitors
The rights and privileges of an exhibitor shall not be infringed upon by any other exhibitor. Interviews, demonstrations, distribution of literature, etc., must be made inside the exhibitor’s area. Canvassing, solicitation of business, or the use of advertising materials or signs by firms other than those who have contracted for space is prohibited. ASB has the right to decline or prohibit any display or portion, thereof, which in the opinion of Management is not proper or in keeping with character of the exhibition. ASB may restrict displays, which, because of noise, acts, odors, costumes, gimmicks, method of operation, materials, or for any other reason, may be objectionable to the exhibition. In the event of such restriction or eviction, ASB is not liable for any refunds of rentals or their exhibit expenses.
Table Top Displays
Permitted on the table top are educational literature; samples of ingredients, additives, or food products; sales premiums, souvenirs, handouts, etc.; displays that fit on the top of the table, NOT TO EXCEED 36 inches in height above the table, and computer/DVD/video equipment. All food and ingredient samples are for display purposes only and NOT for attendee consumption. All equipment and displays must fit on the table top, which is 8’x30″, and not exceed 36 inches above the table. No materials are to be placed behind, aside, or in front of the table.
Not permitted at the table top are free standing displays; displays that are higher than 36 inches above the table or obstruct the view of adjoining exhibits; any materials placed behind, aside or in front of table; and mechanical, electrical or other devices, which produce sounds that prove disturbing to other exhibitors.
Food Product Display Policy
Exhibitors may display food and ingredient samples during the MarketPlace hours. If an exhibitor wishes to provide samples for attendee consumption, the samples must be bite size and pre-packaged by the FDA guidelines and labeling standards. Distribution of food in plastic bags (ie. zip lock bags) is NOT allowed. Samples should be able to withstand not being refrigerated or frozen as these items will not be made available to exhibitors.
Subletting Space
The subletting, sharing, assignment, or appointment of whole or any part of space by any exhibitor is prohibited. No exhibitor may permit any other party to exhibit in the space any goods other than those manufactured or handled by the contracting exhibitor or permit solicitation of business by others within the space.
One Table Top Regulation
Only one company is permitted to occupy each table top space. More than one company is not permitted to purchase a table top together. Companies with separate divisions operating under different names must purchase separate table tops for a maximum of two (2) table tops. Should a company reserve a table for an independent operating division, the table top assignments are not permitted to be across from each other or diagonally opposite from one another. Table tops are permitted to be assigned behind one another and beside each other.
Registration Requirements & Admission
Entrance to the exhibit area is by ASB BakingTECH conference badge only. Everyone, including representatives of exhibitors, must register and wear his or her own ASB BakingTECH conference badge. Conference badges are not transferable.
Exhibiting companies must have a minimum of one paid Full Conference Delegate registered for BakingTECH. Additional exhibitors must be a minimum of MarketPlace Only if they are attending the MarketPlace only, or be a Full Conference registrant if they attend the entire conference.
No Show Policy
In the event that an exhibiting company has not arrived on the MarketPlace floor by 2:45pm on Tuesday, February 27, and has not been granted pre-approval for late set-up, the ASB reserves the right to use the vacant table top space as it sees fit, with no obligation to issue a refund. Any table top materials, either in the vacant table top space or on the loading dock, for that table top space, will be placed in storage at the exhibitor’s expense. Substitute table top space will be available at the discretion of the ASB. The exhibitor is responsible for all fees associated with removing freight from storage.
Table Top Staffing
Exhibitor personnel must be representative(s) of the contracting company. Contracting company must be company exhibiting. Each exhibiting company must have an authorized representative present at the MarketPlace throughout display hours and during the set-up and dismantling their display. Exhibitors may staff their table with a maximum of four (4) people. Individuals registered as spouses/guests of BakingTECH cannot staff tables.
Exhibitors are prohibited from soliciting customers in other exhibitors’ table tops.
Alcoholic Beverages
The serving of alcoholic beverages by exhibitors in the exhibit area is prohibited.
Cooking is prohibited in the exhibit area.
Contests, Games, Raffles and Lotteries
Contests, lotteries, raffles and games of chance are permitted. All “giveaways” shall be of nominal monetary value and in keeping with the nature of an educational and professional meeting.
Building Requirements and Fire Protection
Exhibitors and their agents must comply will all federal and local fire and building codes that apply to places of public assembly. Fire-fighting and emergency equipment may not be hidden or obstructed, including fire extinguishers, strobes, fire hose cabinets, Public Emergency Report Systems (PERS) stations and standpipes. Table top construction shall not block access to any fire/life safety equipment and shall not impede exit access, exit doors or aisle. All table coverings, skirts or any materials used in exhibits must be flame-retardant to meet Chicago Fire Department requirements and have flame proof certificate or tag. Certificates or tags must be prominently attached to the material used so they may be easily seen by facility Fire Marshal.
Contract Obligations and Fire Protection
The exhibitor agrees to protect, save, and keep the ASB and the occupied hotel forever harmless from any damage or charges imposed for violation of any law or ordinance by the exhibitor, their employees or agents as well as to strictly comply with the applicable terms and conditions contained in the agreement between the ASB and the occupied hotel regarding exhibition premise. Furthermore the exhibitor shall at all times protect, indemnify, save, and keep harmless the ASB and the occupied hotel against and from any and all losses, cost, damage, liability, or expenses which arises out of or from, or by reason any act or omission by the exhibitor, his employees, or agents.
Exhibitors wishing to insure their exhibit materials, goods and/or wares against theft, damage by fire, accident, or loss of any kind must do so at their own expense. ASB does not carry insurance of any sort on exhibit or other property of exhibitors and ASB assumes no liability for loss or damage thereto from any cause, including shipping to/from. Each exhibiting company is responsible for obtaining insurance (Liability and Fire/Theft) in such amounts as deemed appropriate to comply with its obligations here under and for its own protection.
Peripheral watchmen shall be furnished by ASB Management to be on duty in the exhibit area when exhibits are closed, but the safekeeping of the exhibitor’s property shall remain the responsibility of the exhibitor. The ASB, Hilton Chicago, or the City of Chicago will not be responsible for loss of any material by or for any reason. Each exhibitor is recommended to purchase a portal-to-portal rider available at a nominal cost on their own insurance policy, protecting them against loss through theft, fire, damage, etc.
Business wear or shirt and tie is the recommended attire for all exhibitors.
Table Top Relocation Policy
ASB reserves the right to relocate an exhibitor’s table top space due to modifications of exhibit facility, fire marshal regulations or any other reason in the best interest of the overall MarketPlace. Every effort will be made not to relocate an exhibitor’s table top. However, should relocation be necessary, the exhibitor will be notified and offered to relocate their table top or cancel with no further penalty.