The Future Security of Raw Materials and Using Ingredient Substitutions

With today’s uncertainty in raw materials and supply chain issues, bakers are looking for innovative ways to work around these issues. Looking forward to adapt and plan for future disruptions by using ingredient substitutions can be a way to keep supplies on the shelves, optimize bowl costs, and even manage consumer’s shifting desires for cleaner and more natural ingredients.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discover effective ingredient technologies that can help reduce volatile ingredients and replace raw materials that aren’t in supply.
  2. Identify tools to eliminate dependency on raw materials while still creating a quality product.
  3. Learn how to utilize ingredient substitutions that will optimize your bowl cost and continue to give a supreme product while also addressing consumer’s shifting desires.

Session Information
Breakout 7: Planning for the Next Pandemic
Thursday, March 2, 2023
1:15pm – 1:50pm

Abby Ceule, Corbion